When you feel like you're down to nothing...God is UP to something. I pray you are not seduced, tricked, or diverted from your priorities, peace, and purpose.
I pray God will illuminate your path so you can see your opportunities and possibilities. Use your time well. Be blessed. Take off your superwoman cape. Get your rest. Be encouraged in all things and stay in the light.

Every Sunday "The DiaMIND INNERversity 3 pm (Pacific), 6 pm (Eastern) virtual zoom
Saturday, March 25 - San Jose, CA - Girlfriends Appreciation Day
Sunday, March 26 - Fontana, CA - Sermon Guest Speaker 10 am New Life Christian Church, 7347 Juniper Avenue, Fontana, CA 92336,
Saturday, April 29 - Long Beach, CA - WINergy with Jewel Diamond Taylor and Dr. Romeo Brooks, 1 pm - Michelle Obama Library
Saturday, May 20 - Sacramento, CA Sister Soul Saturday https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sister-soul-saturday-2023-tickets-565399654587
Remember to visit - https://thewomenonthegrow.com/ ,
Listen to Jewel's inspirational audio podcasts https://jewelspodcasts.buzzsprout.com/
Remember to listen to the thought for the day 310.526.2552
email - JewelMotivates@gmail.com call Jewel Diamond Taylor 323.964.1736