My office has received numerous calls from women about their insecurity with housing. This is a prayer I wrote several years ago and feel compelled to share it now for anyone dealing with the same hardship. God bless you.

Thank you to our many Women on the Grow sister $owers. Please know we welcome NEW PARTNERS for your expression of humanity, compassion, and generosity.
Your giving of any amount today enables our non-profit organization outreach programs to bless women from many walks of life experiencing adversities (e.g. breast cancer, homeless, trauma, caregiver exhaustion, grief/loss, depression, domestic abuse, illness, unemployment, divorce, single parenting stress).
Click this click for your Giving Tuesday tax-deductible donation (one-time or monthly).

If you are donating on GIVING TUESDAY....be sure to send your mailing address to receive a copy of the You GOAL Girl Magazine December issue via email to: wotgrow@gmail.com

ATTENTION SISTER SOWER$...remember to save the date for our Christmas Holiday gatHERING in Pasadena at our Exhale House Saturday, December 17.