Success rule - associate, don't isolate. Disappointment, loss, caregiving, watching the news, and stress cause many people to detach. Cave dwellers become afraid, sick, unproductive, depressed, and live in darkness. Stay in the light. Surround yourself with like-minded people and associate with people who can help you grow in faith, courage, family, career, business, goals, etc. Interact with family, friends, mentors, and those who can inspire you to grow. If you have no relationships of accountability, you will slip into poor habits, emotional slumps, excuses, and suffer from the incompletion of your goals and tasks. Happiness is possible. Breakthroughs are possible.
I have seen a pattern with people who are; the only child, the creative, leaders, social introverts, caregivers, perfectionists, and people who have been hurt by others. They tend to be more isolated in their caves. I have observed how they get in a zone and become cut off from the people and resources that could keep them feel energized, connected, and grounded in reality, possibilities, and hope. I even noticed in my own work habits, that if not monitored, I become a cave dweller. My sense of self-sufficiency makes me more vulnerable to discouragement, procrastination, poor sleep/eating habits and unnecessary mistakes. Isolating cave dwellers have to crawl out of their cave and enjoy some light, love, and the fresh air of ideas, input and interaction with others.

These are just a few of the photos from our You GOAL Girl EmpowHERment Day Part 2. Thank you to our 30 guests. Special thanks and acknowledgement to our tribe sisterqueen and sister $ower Markeysha Lawrence who drove from Santa Barbara solo to be with us. You demonstrated that it's never too far when you are really on fire with desire to grow!!!!! I love the vibe of our tribe and our new guests.
