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DiaMIND INNERversity Enrollment

Updated: Sep 15, 2023

As the Founder of Women on the Grow, Inc. 501c3, author, conference speaker, emotional/mental wellness advocate, retreat host, life coach/counselor, and creator of my weekly DiaMIND INNERversity study group series. I have discovered the value of creating incubators for women to realize that finding your peace, purpose, and passion isn’t just about careers and money. It’s about walking the path of self-discovery to find your authentic self.... the one you’ve buried beneath other people’s needs, expectations, judgments, and fears. I was born to curate SAFE places for women to find relief, deepen their faith, breathe, exhale, and express their fears, questions, disappointments, hopes, desires, or stress about their relationships, purpose, health, faith, self-worth, past choices, and explore new ways to live their life more fully."

3:00 PM (Pacific) 6:00 PM (Eastern)

This is an outreach program open to women

sponsored by Women on the Grow, Inc. 501c3 donating partners (sister $owers).

Payment is optional.

Whether you make a donation or - to receive the link and password.

If you would like to make a donation use these links.


ZELLE ( Our Zelle payment notifications do not arrive quickly. If you use Zelle to register,

remember to text 909.489.3733 that you have registered and the password and link will be sent to you.

CASHAPP - $gratefulJDT

once you register the zoom link and password will be sent to your email address.


I loved your InnerVersity Workshop today and was even more thrilled to continue working with you. Thank you so much for taking me under your wing and teaching me more than I could have ever asked for. Your mentorship through the years helped me through some of the most challenging times in my spiritual life. I would not be where or who I am today without you. Thank You - Francine Umari

Queen Jewel, words cannot express the Gratitude I have for You and Women on the Grow! I must say that being able to participate in the empowering sessions in The DiaMind Innerversity has enriched my Life Beyond Measure. The Life building tools and awesome Mindset lessons have made Me the Woman I am Today

Thank You with all of my heart Queen Jewel Diamond Taylor…Thanks To You… Our Growing is Showing - Valesha Carter, North Carolina

"Graduation from the DiaMIND INNERversity is a tremendous milestone in my life and means more to me than my college degrees. This growth journey is a celebration of my self discovery, self awareness, and emotional wellness. I am living my life like it’s GOLDEN with a new mindset to explore new experiences and enjoy living in the present during my “Sage” years because it is truly a gift. "- Diane Hale

I am a proud graduate from the DiaMIND INNERversity. The past 3 years have been such a blessing; I am changed for the better. My biggest takeaway is learning how to stop time traveling in the past or future; and learning to live and be present in the moment. I found my voice and respectfully used it as a caregiver for both my parents while studying as a spiritual farmer. Thank you Jewel, my mentor, my coach, and my friend.

"I share what I've learned with my family and friends only when the opportunity presents itself. I'm no longer trying to save everybody from themselves. One of the biggest lessons I've learned from the DiaMIND InnerVersity is to accept people for where they're at and remove myself from their dramas and sad stories. I've learned to appreciate my time and choose to spend it around people that uplift and encourage me, and those who take responsibility for their situations....the "iron sharpening iron" kind of people. I am learning to weed out the butter knives and that most people only want an audience. Whenever I am challenged to change my thinking, my words, and my actions, some things are easier than others. I try and remind myself of my pastor's teachings that "change is the only constant in life," change is a process, not an event," and "that all change begins with one decision." - Valerie Vaultz

Jewel you have taught me how to change, you have equipped me with the knowledge and the tools to bring about change. I am learning to extend grace to I do to others. That was huge for me, I never would have thought to do that for myself. I am understanding myself better, recognizing that I am dominated by my right brain, and practicing to incorporate more of my left brain in all my affairs. I am practicing my CPA (my accounting skills) in my moments of reflection and introspection. I am most grateful that I am teachable today, for a shift in my perspective, and for learning that whatever follows "I am" follows me. One of the many affirmations that you've given us, that I strongly identify with is "Renewal is happening within me as I release resistance, fear, limited thinking, and procrastination." I may not be where I want to be in my life but I thank God I'm not where I used to be when I first attended the InnerVersity. You've taught us that it is not enough to grow, but it's also important for us to heal. Thanks to your transparency, your teaching, your compassionate understanding, and your patience. I am healing from the broken places within me and I'm making peace and extending love to the many me's, that I was never aware of before. I am watering my tree and attending to its roots, and I'm noticing that my leaves are greener and I'm sprouting new buds of roses, some of which are not fully open as yet. I am more positive than I've ever been in my life. Thanks to the new specs you've given me and that I am now wearing. I LOVE you Jewel and there's nothing you can do about it." Mercedes D. (New York)

"I am one of the many sisters who attend Jewel's phenomenal INNERversity. The Lord is working on me on the inside and using the tools provided by Jewel to help do the work as I am still under construction. I made a decision in 2020 to listen and learn from Jewel and to date I have not looked back. I am committed to myself and my self-improvement to be a better me, a better daughter, a better mother, a better grandmother, a better sister, a better Entrepreneur, and a better friend. I encourage you to join us." - Valerie Vaultz

"My self discovery from participating in the INNERversity has brought me to the point in my life where I am now able to say to myself Hello Me where have you been so long? Truly understanding yourself is the prerequisite to understanding others." - Diane Hale

"The Innerversity Classes on Sunday have been such a BLESSING for me... I have been using the tools that have been provided... In just 2 months I feel so much more empowered, uplifted, inspired & encouraged... Most importantly back on track staying in the light... Loving my new Sisterfriends for allowing me to feel safe!!! Thank You Dr. Jewel Diamond Taylor for sharing your GOD GIVEN WISDOM!!! MUCH LOVE. - Antoinette Douglas, Pittsburgh

"Jewel you are a change agent and I appreciate the awesome work you are doing with Women on the Grow. Love and blessings" - Pam Penn

"Jewel, you are gifted, you accepted your assignment, and you pour into all of us women. You often say you were made for "this" and you were. Like Mercedes said, you help in the mending, no matter how many broken pieces need to be mended. You have been a big blessing in my life. I treasure your teaching, the sisterhood you have created, the work you have helped me do, the light you always shine, and the LOVE you always show in the JDT experiences that you have to be there to understand. YOU ARE MY FRIEND.. May we continue to ChaCha my SISTERFRIEND. Love you Jewel" - Patsy Cobb

"Dr. Taylor, I just have to take a moment and thank you for your body of work, for always being you, for being a woman that God can minister through! You are consistent on purpose and mission while way too many women jump from the "next big thing or money maker." I just had to give you a bunch of roses today." - Margo Lovett

Dear Jewel,

Through your kind, gentle, encouraging, and comforting ways, you have helped me in facing and overcoming some difficult truths, about myself and my situations. Because of your constant support, re-education, enlightenment and transparency, you're always willing to use yourself as an example; I have learned trust and courage in working through my issues. It is also an added benefit that I have a friend in you when I need one. Thank you for all that you’ve poured into me and prayed for me, you’ve given me a new way of thinking, speaking, and being. I have a new perspective on life … which is priceless. I am empowered with knowledge, spiritual tools, and self-confidence to be more of my authentic self, to live a peace-filled, productive, and harmonious life while remembering “To stay in the light.”

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Jewel… you were made for this. God bless Queen Jewel.

Love always,

Mercedes Delzie, New York

"Jewel Diamond Taylor is an amazing life coach. She really understands people and the dynamics of relationships. She has been a lifesaver as my life coach over the past few years. She helped me out tremendously during the pandemic as we were navigating our way through so much uncertainty. She was able to ground me and helped me reason through my fears and anxieties as a front-line worker afraid of dying and traumatized by all the death that was surrounding me. After several sessions with her, I no longer needed my rescue anxiety or sleeping medicine I had asked a colleague to prescribe me. She has helped me understand my complex family relationships. She was able to identify how unspoken areas of my own childhood dysfunction were key to some of my tumultuous adult relationships within my family. She helped me understand my role in the demise of close relationships.

She possesses the skills needed to speak to both individuals and groups with such aplomb and assurance. She has a calmness and steadiness that I have needed in my life at times of turmoil and crisis. She has knowledge and understanding of human psychology and she understands the intricacies of relationships. I have been formally trained in psychiatry and family therapy but the wisdom that Jewel has obtained was not taught to me in my graduate school programs. She is full of experience and insight and delivers her words in such a loving and compassionate way." - K. J.

If you have any questions email - or call 323.964.1736

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