I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am l confused, caught off guard, upset, and irritated. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.
I walk down the same street again. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I don't see it. I fall in again. I can't believe I'm in the same place. But it isn't my fault, I'm angry and hurt. Did someone push me in? It still takes a long time to get out.
I walk down the same street again. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there. I still fall in … it’s a habit. This thing keeps happening to me. My eyes are open. I know where I am. I did step right in it again. I get out immediately.
I walk down the same street again. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I SEE it clearly. I now walk around it to avoid falling in again. This time I walk down another street.
This scenario makes me think of how so many of us often keep finding ourselves in the same mess, predicament, pain, suffering, and trouble. You are a creature of habit. In my coaching/counseling sessions and weekly INNERversity I am sharing how we can learn to stop living on auto-pilot as victims and stepping into messes, suffering, and trouble. What are some of your behavior patterns you'd like to work on? If you're caught in a loop making the same mistakes, it's probably because you have a blind spot, unresolved past trauma or your habits with relationships, discernment, and developing life skills could use some support via my one-on-one sessions, books, and/or participating in my programs and events.
Quiet your inner critic when it grows too loud. People with perfectionism or depression often hyper-focus on mistakes. If you struggle to acknowledge your strengths, gifts, accomplishments, or see your value, make being kind to yourself a top priority. We all FALL short at times. Overcoming these struggles doesn't mean you will never criticize yourself again; it means shaping that internal critic into something more realistic, kinder, and less central to your sense of self. A healthy frame of mind makes it much easier to improve yourself. Once you learn to be more conscious of what you think, say, feel, allow, ignore, and behave...you can create new habits. You can create new habits of thinking and living. You can walk down another path that leads to peace, happiness, healing, wisdom, success, and love." - Jewel Diamond Taylor
Save the date Saturday, May 28 - Sister Soul Saturday GatHERing in Pasadena, CA at our EXHALE HOUSE, 10 am - 4 pm - no fee, must RSVP by Friday, May 27 - email - JewelMotivates@gmail.com
There will be a professional female massage therapist with us this day for chair/neck/shoulder massage ($20 for 15 minutes/$25 for 20 minutes)
Save the date Saturday, July16- One day Sister Soul Saturday reTREAT in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Save the date Sept 21-23, 2022 - Annual Women on the Grow Malibu reTREAT - register at this link