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Writer's pictureJewel Diamond Taylor

Attention GrandMothers


Life is so GRAND with my Codey.

I invite you to be in my signature zoom room

Tuesday, August 16, 1:00 pm (Pacific)

We will discuss the joys, challenges, and wisdom gained from different types of grandparenting experiences to encourage one another.

email - if you would like to receive the link and password to attend (being on camera is optional)

There are GRANDmothers who;

. have grandchildren with illness, autism, cancer, physicial limitations

. have long-distance relationships

. have family conflicts and are unable to visit their grandchildren

. have their own health issues and unable to enjoy their grandchildren

. have grandchildren with addictions

. have grandchildren they are financially supporting

. have grandchildren living with them

. have grandchildren with behavioral issues

. have grandchildren who have passed

. have grandchildren who are selfish, angry, disrespectful

. have wonderful relationships with their grandchildren

. have grandchildren they have never met

. have grandchildren with difficult parents

, have blended family issues

. have grandchildren who visit often, plan trips and enjoy the holidays with them

. are depressed and grieving

. have healed broken relationships and reunited with their grandchildren

. have a healthy, consistent, and loving relationship with their grandchildren


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