We are excited to receive our 50 guests for our upcoming one-day Sister SOUL Saturday reTREAT Saturday, July 16, 2022, in Rancho Cucamonga, CA. You will abSOULutely love our new location. Register soon. I only have 5 more seats available. https://jewelmotivates.wixsite.com/website/post/sister-soul-saturday-retreat-invite

Someone can love you, but you must make yourself happy.
Someone can teach you, but you must apply what you learn.
Someone can coach you, but you must win the game.
Someone can give you an opportunity, but you must be capable and prepared.
Someone can give you truth or lies, but you must learn discernment.
Someone can tempt you, but you must learn discipline.
Someone can offer you advice, but you must learn to trust your own inner knowing.
Someone else can withhold, but you must learn to give.
Someone can pity you, but you must bear your own sorrow.
Someone can leave you, but you must learn to feel whole.
Someone can set you up or put you down, but you must still do the right thing.
Someone can knock you down, but you must get back up.
Someone can ignore you, but you must see your own value and worth.
Someone can help you, but you must learn to do for self.
Someone can hold a grudge, but you must learn how to forgive.
Someone can show you a new way, but you must want the change.
Someone can love you, but you must feel worthy of receiving love.
Someone can encourage you, but you must motivate yourself.
12/1/03 - written by Jewel Diamond Taylor
