So many of you reading this are serving communities in so many ways (e.g. food, housing, caregiving, prison ministry, youth, education, social justice, the elderly, healing, creative arts, mentoring, entrepreneur/business/economic community building, etc.)
Thank you so much for answering life's urgent call.
Thank you Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for being a drum major, your sacrifice, passion, life, and courage.
I especially would like to thank the women in my life who answered the call of service via Women on the Grow, Inc. 501(c)(3). Sister $owers you saw the need and responded. Your donations and consistent service have positively impacted thousands of women's lives who are living through depression, caregiving exhaustion, breast cancer, housing issues, abuse, single parenting, the grief of the loss of loved ones, divorce, illness, and trauma!
May we all use our hearts, hands, gifts, talents, education, experiences, prayers, and
LEGS to walk in purpose to create a LEGacy (LEG a SEE) that endures for future generations.

Looking forward to seeing you January 28 in Pasadena, CA for my signature venue "Super GOAL Saturday". Kick off the new year with some WINergy with my life coach strategies and motivation.
65 tickets now sold.
MEN are welcome to attend.
Register today!

I was born for this!!
call 323.964.1736
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