Let's get together and feel alright...save the date...
Click video link https://youtu.be/k-yRlWHOPkM to learn about my guests speaking at my upcoming WINergy Forum Saturday, April 29, 1:00 pm at the Michelle Obama Public Library, 5870 Atlantic Ave. in Long Beach, CA
All those who send an RSVP by email JewelMotivates@gmail.com will be on the guest list to attend at NO cost.
Men and women are encouraged to attend.
Jewel Diamond Taylor and her guest panel will discuss: . mental/emotional/physical health for men and women . emotional support for mothers with sons . family healing and communication styles . things you can do to overcome diabesity, high blood pressure, depression, poor
elimination . the aging process - how to gain more energy . inspiration to take your mindset to a new level of results, satisfaction, and progress
Every Sunday "The DiaMIND INNERversity 3 pm (Pacific), 6 pm (Eastern) virtual zoom
Saturday, May 20 - Sacramento, CA Sister Soul Saturday https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sister-soul-saturday-2023-tickets-565399654587
Saturday, June 3 - Los Angeles, CA Women's Ministry Program 10 AM, New Testament Church
Wednesday-Friday, Sept 27-29 Jewel Diamond Taylor hosts her Annual Malibu Getaway
Click to enjoy my video message "Get Up" https://youtu.be/gkWwrRcbyqc
Click link to see Episode 3 - Pearls of Wisdom