Don't allow old habits to keep you from believing you can have a brighter future. Keep building on your progress. When you choose to only talk about your losses, pain, past hurts, and disappointments...you are living from a wounded and toxic place. As you study, meditate, heal, grow, and seek support...you will be living with your scars. That's the sacred place where you are not in denial, rage, fear, shame, or insecurity. Your scars show you were wounded in the past. Your scars are your testimony. Your scars gave you a new perspective. You see yourself and others differently. The new version of you has evolved and broken some strongholds. chains. Celebrate your progress, blessings, personal growth, and victories. Inner peace and well-being are possible. May your obscales fade away. May your vision become clearer. May your worries be resolved. May doors open for new possibilities. May God's grace cover you. May your faith and sense of self-worth grow richer. Learn to welcome compliments, love, abundance, invitations, opportunities, and success. Be proud of every effort you have made to overcome toxic and painful situations so that you can become your best self....your true self....your healed self. Stay in the light (Matthew 5:16)
I trust you will accept my invitation to contribute to my upcoming book "SCARS; Breaking the Strongholds of Woundology." I would be so honored to include your story of OVERcoming a season or situation in your life and how you learned to BEcome the woman you are today.
Submit your story or testimonry to JewelMotivates@gmail.com

Thank you so much Inland Empire Health Plan for inviting me to be your Juneteenth Keynote Speaker. It was an honor and priviledge to enlighten your diverse audience and meet so many wonderful people.

Congratulations to the following ladies who received their certificates of accomplshment. They began attending my WEEKLY virtual master class "The DIAMOND INNERversity" in January through June. I acknowledge and honor their consistent dedicated time, collaborative participation, and their personal investment in pursuit of their accelerated personal and spiritual development.
Antoinette Douglas (Pittsburgh, PA)
Arnetha Harrison (Las Vegas, NV)
Cassandra Scott (Fontana, CA)
Cheryl Sellers (Atlanta, GA)
Chandra Harris (Chino Hills, CA)
Diane Hale (North Hills, CA)
Dwan Smith-Fortier (Rialto, CA)
Francine Umari (Las Vegas, NV)
Joy Lewis (Carson, CA)
Juanda Collins (North Carolina)
Kathi Arnold (Gardena, CA)
LaNell Moore (North Carolina)
Linda Wiggins (Pacoima, CA)
Louida Shaw (Cerritos, CA)
Marlene Dye (Lake Elsinore, CA)
Mercedes Delzie (New York)
Patricia Jacobs (Arleta, CA)
Patsy Cobb (Los Angeles, CA)
Tracy Edmonson (Lancaster, CA)
Valerie Vaultz (Compton, CA)
Valesha Carter (North Carolina)

Save the date Saturday, July 16, 2022 to enjoy a very unique Women on the Grow experience "Sister SOUL Saturday reTREAT" in southern California, hosted by Jewel Diamond Taylor...beauty, peace, relaxation, sisterhood, full body or neck/back massages, gift giveaways, self-care and healing group discussions, delicious food ... 8 hours of exhaling, laughter, sisterhood, networking, and a blessed day in beautiful Rancho Cucamonga at the Hidden Oaks Retreat Center (right off the 210 freeway). Our gatHERings are magical bringing women together, taking a much-needed break from our busy lives, soaking up the wisdom, connections, laughter, stories, smiles, nature, and Jewel's "EmpowHERment special sauce". It's the women who make our women's retreats so special, providing comfort, support, and serious girl-time fun. Our casual attire color theme is yellow and/or green. We now have 35 ladies registered and look forward to seeing YOU!!!!
Click here to register https://jewelmotivates.wixsite.com/website/post/sister-soul-saturday-retreat-invite
The Annual Malibu reTREAT is September 21-23. We are almost at capacity. To make your deposit to save your bed click here https://jewelmotivates.wixsite.com/website/post/sister-soul-saturday-retreat-invite

To learn more about Women on the Grow, Inc. 501c3 and our mission to offer outreach, emotional/spiritual support, resources, finances, counseling, and sisterhood to women from all walks of life experiencing distress. We are so grateful for our partners who SEE our social advocacy, impact, and compassion love movement that makes a difference. To God be the glory.