Are your choices shame-based or rooted in confidence, faith, courage, and action?
How do you want to FEEL about your life?_________________________________________________________
Kick start your heart...Kick the glass ceiling (e.g. fears, limited thinking, shame, doubt, age, society and other people’s opinions)
“Freedom, joy and transformation happens when you stop giving your time, resources and energy to relationships, activities, job/church/organization or habits that are not aligned with your core values. You can be free of pretending, people pleasing, fear, and feeling stuck when you give yourself permission to start developing your calling, purpose or goals or you will remain aggravated, limited and living below your potential and promise.
I love sharing my pearls of wisdom from my personal growth as a daughter, wife, mother, sisterfriend, grandmother, entrepreneur, author, retreat leader, leadership trainer, talk therapy practitioner and survivor of life’s pain and loss. I love helping women to up their game. I love seeing women wake up, overcome past hurts, take initiative, grow in their self-esteem, and shine.”
Check your heart. Does it need a kick start? Isn't it time you made yourself a priority? Isn't time you call me to set aside some time to connect with me?