Don't give up! Learn to get up, breathe, and take action rather than worry, weep, wait, whine, and wish things were better. There is life or lack, faith or fear in your tongue. Speak life into your situation. Listed below are some great self-talk affirmations to speak over your life...
My life is not shaped by my circumstances.
My life is shaped by my decisions.
Every day I am learning to make wise decisions.
No matter what I am "growing through", don't make permanent decisions about a temporary situation.
Life is moving forward day by day whether I choose to live in anger, stress, fear ... OR gratitude, action, peace, hope, and love.
I am going to be OK.
I speak life over my circumstances.
I am sowing seeds of faith, action, love, peace, healing, restoration, and abundance.
I trust the process of sowing good seeds.
I trust God for my harvest.
Do not believe the things I tell myself when I am sad or alone. If I am always tired, hungry, lonely, mad, sad, stuck, scattered, rushed, depressed or stressed, I will increase the likelihood of giving in to temptation. I am careful of the "what-the-hell attitude." It's a slippery slope that leads to disaster.
I am growing in wisdom, discernment, and self-control.
I got this!

YOU are invited to attend my Women on the Grow Holiday GatHERing.
ONLY $25 per person for early bird registration. Tickets can be purchased at this link https://www.paypal.com/donate/...
We will be wearing holiday colors (red, green, gold, white, silver) AND having a RED SHOE contest.
We are excited to enjoy LIVE entertainment provided by the amazing saxophonist Mark Allen Felton aka "Panther."
Seating is limited, so please RSVP as soon as possible.
We will be collecting socks and blankets for a women's shelter downtown Los Angeles.
If you have any questions, please email JewelMotivates@gmail.com ASAP.
Location: Azusa Pacific University 901 E Alosta Ave, Azusa, CA 91702 (take the 210 freeway East, exit on Citrus, turn right north toward the mountains, turn right on University Drive) Parking is FREE.

Thank you for continuing to be a blessing to me.
Ladies have a great Thanksgiving holiday.
kind regards,
juliet Gipson