You are probably making more progress than you realize. Don't underestimate what God can do in your season of preparation, waiting, serving, focus, action, and prayer.
Think about cannot hear grass growing. Likewise, you can't always detect with your senses how you are growing or how God's holy spirit is moving in you.

Position yourself for discovery, growth, focus, and being a finisher. You can grow from feeling bored and stagnated to being revitalized and resurrected from depression, loss, setbacks, and heartache.
Shake yourself awake, and no longer be under the spell of doubt, defeat, procrastination, fantasy, bitterness, shame, blame, or addictive behavior.
In order to grow to a new level of joy, health, happiness, peace, and well-being, you must first UNlearn some subconscious habits and let go of everything that has become an stronghold, not true, or a distraction.
You must recognize and release all things that have become a source of agitation, irritation, or conflict in your soul, success, peace.
During my weekly Sunday INNERversity study group in my zoom room, I am sharing insights and strategies for your self-discovery to experience more inner peace, progress, fulfillment, and happiness. You can learn to stop any sabotaging habits, depression, procrastination, toxic relationships, and low self-worth...every Sunday 3:00 pm (Pacific) and 6:00 pm (Eastern). I am so grateful to the 30 consistent women who attend and share their positive feedback. Breakthroughs, understanding, relief, clarity, healing, and results are happening for real!
"The INNERversity Classes on Sunday has been such a BLESSING for me... I have been using the tools that has been provided. In just 2 months I feel so much more empowered, uplifted, inspired & encouraged... Most importantly back on track staying in the light... Loving my new Sisterfriends for allowing me to feel safe!!! Thank You Dr. Jewel Diamond Taylor for sharing your GOD GIVEN WISDOM!!! MUCH LOVE" - Antoinette Douglas, Pittsburgh
Ladies if you registered for the upcoming "You GOAL Girl" part 2 in Encino, Saturday, March 19, please advised we are wearing all WHITE.

If you know of anyone who would like to attend, make note we only have 6 remaining spots. This is the link to register
