Your prescription for today is to REPEAT the following affirmation 3 times a day...
"I am courageous in setting boundaries from the critics, dream killers, manipulators, boundary bullies, the blessing blockers, and energy vampires. I release what is NOT mine to carry. I use good boundaries around negative people and negative circumstances. Every day, in every way, I am learning how to guard my heart.
I observe but I do NOT absorb. I am breathing and believe in my worth, and possibilities for happiness, peace, and success."

Girllllll...I'm so glad we have been growing, shining, healing, and being blessed every Sunday in Jewel Diamond Taylor's weekly Mastermind Class called "The Filling Station" 3:00 PM (Pacific)...6:00 PM (Eastern)!!!!

Remember to join Jewel Diamond Taylor Sunday, 3:00 pm (Pacific)...6:00 pm (Eastern) for my weekly inspirational zoom room session.
I call it the "Filling Station" (Romans 15:13)
If you are feeling EMPTY, EXHAUSTED, or just simply EXCITED to gain uplifting, positive, and meaningful insights for your mental, emotional, and spiritual growth and success... this promises to offer helpful information deal with relationships, mindset, faith, confidence, setbacks, and stress especially fulfilling in these challenging times.
email - Jewelmotivates@gmail.com to receive the link/password to be in my signature zoom room this Sunday. No fee required to participate. Donations appreciated. Remember, you can choose to be on mute and off video camera to join in to listen and be inspired.
